Jonathon, but mostly known as Sharley.

Have I ever expressed to you how hard it is to take pictures of guys? Well, I will spare you my rant, but I just don't think I am all that great. Anyway I decided to stop telling myself that I am terrible and do my best. Sharley is one guy with lots of character! He asked me "Ceri, I want these pictures to reflect who I am, what things could I do to make that happen"? I told him that he was known for Yodeling, climbing, being late (for a good reason), art, his smile, and his solid walk with the Lord. Regardless of my previous attitude on taking pictures of guys, I think it went well.


Its been a couple weeks since I took these photos. Before the shoot I realized that the new water containers that the school just bought would be a great background for her shoot. It's so much easier to take pictures in town where you can use all different colored walls (like Sharon's shoot). Photo shoot after photo shoot I struggle to find something original around here. Anyway the beauty is the person, and that is what makes each photo unique. I remember when Becky would and come visit her siblings at school when I was a student. I really wanted to go to school together and was very disappointed when she did not come my senior year. I must say, I have been blessed to spend these two years with her. Sure we did not get to go to school with each other, but at least I got my time with her! She is allot like me, has a passion for health, cooks the school breakfast, loves to exercise and wants to have constant communication with Christ. This girl has one thing I need more of, and that is discipline. That is what makes her stand out in a crowd. I love it, and I love her!


Sharon also known as my Huggy Buddy is always a blast to be around. She acquired the name because she was the only one my size during high school that was not awkward to hug (since I am so short). Obviously she grew, but I still like to call her my Huggy Buddy. At the end of her shoot she told me "Ceri, I always have so much fun with you". I told her " thats because you decide to have fun, it's all in your attitude". Huggy Buddy has such a positive attitude that it is incredibly contagious, I mean just look at her pictures, don't you want to smile too? I think the people watching us run around town had to smile to! We ran from wall to wall laughing the whole time!


We only had one class period to get Cara's pictures done, and we did it! She really wanted to use the dandelions in the orchard and I personally thought that it was a great idea. Looking down on the orchard it looks like it was sprayed with gold. It was perfect timing too, because the lawn got a haircut the next day. One thing I love about Cara is that her smile is always genuine! That means allot to a photographer!


Someone asked me today if I could describe them in one word. That is a hard thing to do for me since I am not very talented with words. But if someone asked me to describe jenny in one word I would say that she is a Gem! It takes allot to get her worked up, and is very easy going. That is exactly what I needed for this shoot because I only had a 1GB card. We had to take a couple breaks and download the pictures, but we swinging on the swing in Elain's yard while we waited. My new excitement for the week is that I just bought a new 32GB 60mb/sec card. Finally I can shoot to my hearts content!